Horizontal Spacer (kinda')

• Feb 22, 2020 - 17:55

Hi all,

So, I made this worksheet awhile back, and I can't for the life of me remember how I split the measures as pictured. It's not a horizontal spacer and the dashed box is not in between them. I'm trying to create a similar sheet now. Does anyone know how I went about doing this? I search it a myriad of different ways and still can't find it.

Thanks in advance,

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2020-02-22 at 5.55.33 PM.png 50.88 KB


In reply to by kuwitt

Thanks, but like I said, it's not a horizontal frame. You can see from the screen shoot that there is not one there, otherwise there would be a dotted box like the vertical frames above the notation. I'm sure I can achieve a similar effect with horizontal frames, but it worked well for me the other way; I just can't remember how the hell I did it.

In reply to by adamosmianski

It's always easier to help given the actual score rather than just a picture. The horizontal frame really is the right way to do it. The dotted boxes are just for on screen display, they don't print or otherwise export to PDF etc. My guess is you hacked that version together using invisible rests, invisible measures, or maybe a white graphic, or some other trickery that was more work and is less likely to continue to work the same in future versions than just using the frame that was designed for this purpose.

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