Adding rests in grand staff without adding beats to the measure

• Mar 2, 2020 - 19:31

I'm attempting to write music for certain beginning piano students. I'm using a Akai LPK25 midi keyboard. When I add notes, Musescore does not automatically move from one staff to the other, so I input everything on one and used the shift-arrow down to move specific notes to the F clef and changed the beams accordingly. Alas, this left me with no quarter note rests where I want them, and whole note rests where I don't. Whenever I tried to delete a printed rest, it thought I was trying to remove beats and screwed everything up. When I tried to ADD quarter note rests, it thought I was trying to add beats and screwed everything up. Help! I've searched Help and the forums and can't seem to locate the info that I need. Bounce!.mscz


The origin of your issue is that you're using cross-staff notation when you shouldn't. It doesn't move notes to belong to the other staff, it only shows them there, which is why you're all confused about rests now.

Either start off by entering the notes in the correct staves to start with; or if inconvenient use copy/cut and paste.

Given the simplicity here, the easiest way is probably to copy and paste the treble staff into the bass staff, then delete the wanted notes on each staff. After doing this, I used the Regroup rhtyhms command in the Tools menu to get proper lengths for all those quarter rests now.

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