Musescore 3.0 automatically adds unnecessary clefs and key signature when changing clefs in one stave

• Mar 4, 2020 - 13:20

In the screenshot attached I have changed the piano treble clef to a bass clef for a few measures. In doing so, unnecessary clefs and key signatures have been added as well. I have to manually remove them, but whenever I save my score, they come back. The clefs I can manually delete, but the key signatures will not go away, unless I manually add a key signature and delete it. I have also turned off the courtesy clefs option and courtesy key signatures as well. Thank you for helping!

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2020-03-04 at 8.18.05 AM.png 142.07 KB


In order to understand and assist, we would need you to attach the actual score (or a relevant excerpt), there unfortunately isn't much we can tell from just a picture. Normally this should work, of course. Probably your score has become corrupt in some way, maybe once we see it we can figure out how to fix it.

Although there was a bug with similar symproms in 3.0. We're at 3.4.2 currently, so better update (which won't fix that score, but should prevent this bug to show in the futur)

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