Possible Spam Email

• Mar 6, 2020 - 20:08

I revieved an email about print and download in MuseScore closing but it looked a bit dodgy. Does anyone know anything about this or has anyone had this email too? It is from "David at Musescore"


I received a copy of this email today - from David Mandelshtam, as someone else has said.

It is definitely written in the STYLE of a spam phishing email ... starting with a dire warning ‘7 days left...’ and offering you a big discount if you ‘click this helpful button’. Only the lack of grammar / spelling mistakes made me check further... it would have been much better to have referred people to the official MuseScore website.... and for there to be some information on that site... I cant find it (and there is no way that I am clicking on a link from an email). David - if you or someone in the org reads this - please update the site.


In reply to by cfrost

... and I have just seen one of the other posts on this subject ..... this relates ONLY to the ability to download MuseScore files from the download site.... due to copyright.

I cant have read the notes very clearly when I signed up ... I thought it was just for ‘copyright free sharing’ anyway. The good news is that MuseScore is still free ...pity that I wont be able to share music anymore - it was the only thing that I could contribute to this wonderful resource.

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