Text Style -> Instrument names [color]

• Mar 7, 2020 - 23:45

Is it just me, or does the color chooser here have no effect upon a score's instrument name texts? It appears to do nothing in 3.4.2/AppImage


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks for the response.

For what it's worth, the intention related to finding this issue was during an attempt at a considered work-around (as for this ego's purpose, there's no need to change instrument name text-color:

Intention: to keep systems horizontally-aligned instead of having the first system indented due to instrument names applied only on the first system and not on the following systems if the instrument names are no longer appearing after the first system of a score. One way to be able to do this would be to make the [short instrument names] equivalent to the long ones, but then have them be the same color as the background, i.e. + e.g., white. Again, a weird workaround, but it would suit the purpose in theory. Alternatively: add the right amount of key-spaces correlated to the long instrument names, which feels lame. Maybe there's another way?

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