scroll line by line

• Mar 14, 2020 - 20:25

Hi, how do I scroll line by line like in a guitar score? I asked this question to Ultimate-Guitar. They don't have that feature either in their pro tabs which seems unusual given the purpose of scrolling. Is this not common? Instead, what I see is that it pages or snaps so you don't get the context of what you've been playing. There is no 'buffer' so to speak. I need a kind of buffer for my mind and eyes for scrolling to be of real benefit.


in french, and in MS 2, you change in EDIT---Préférences in French: the last , at the bottom), ------FOND (the 2nd)---you have the choice between scrolling, horizontaly or verticaly, if you click verticaly, the new page appears under the first

There is nothing that goes exactly one "line" - and that would be complicated, after all, should that mean one system or one staff, what happens if the system doesn't even fit on the screen, etc. But you can certainly scroll with any amount you like using your scroll wheel, two-finger swipe, or equivalent gesture.

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