Title page moved in other parts tabs

• Mar 15, 2020 - 17:08

I arranged a trumpet solo with piano accompaniment. I then used "parts" to create the separate trumpet and piano tabs as well. Later, I wanted to create a title page. I added a vertical frame above the title frame on my main tab, used a page break to make that vertical frame be on the first page, sized it to fill the page, and filled it with my title page text. That worked very well on that tab, but on the other tabs, that vertical frame was placed at the bottom of the last page of music and was shrunken down. When I enlarged that frame on those tabs, it created a last page for it to be on. Why isn't it still on the first page as it is in the main tab?


I'm not sure what is going on but agree it seems like a bug. In general, though, you'd probably have been better not adding a title page before the existing title frame, but simply turning the existing title frame into the title page. Then if you still want an additional frame after that, add one there (insert before first measure).

In reply to by missa22missl25

If you size the title frame first, then generate the parts, it should work. And part generation would normally be done towards the end anyhow. But then, probably the method you used would alsi have worked had you waited until later to generate parts.

BTW, instead of resizing the frame, you could simply add a page break to it. But resizing can have other advantages to, like allowing for easy centering, etc.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks again. But to be clear, I DID use a page break on the main score tab, but that somehow didn't translate to the other parts.
I know that the best overall solution is to not generate the parts until after I've done everything else (or as the first reply I got from someone else said, to eliminate the parts, make the title page, and then regenerate the parts.) I just thought it was worth letting others know that there is a bug in transferring this from one part to another afterwards.

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