Playing along with Musescore

• Apr 12, 2020 - 17:51

So here I am in lockdown. All dressed up and no where to go. The thing that is really keeping me sane is Musescore. I like to play along with my Virtual Recorder Consort. I now have quite a library of quartets to play along with. But there is one big problem, it does not move to the next page quite soon enough.
When you play you look at the next bar while you are playing the previous bar.
So please can you put in an adjustment that moves to the next bar sooner, or somehow shunts the music along.
I also need two bars of metronome at the beginning to pick up my recorder after I start it going. I have been adding two bars of woodblock.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Not really it is just different. When it comes to the end of the page, it still moves too late.
I am used to the page view. It has helped somewhat by unticking the visible on the instuments I am not playing but I can still hear those parts. So then I have a whole page before the turn, hence cutting down on the number of turns, and I can memorise a small number of turns.

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