Lyrics downsize

• Apr 15, 2020 - 23:49

How do I reduce the text size.In inspector there's a font size adjuster but it won't stay reduce when you go to typing, it judos back to 11.0. I need more space in the stave for all the verses. This wasn't a problem with MuseScore 2


Changing the size using the inspector does not work if you're in edit mode for the lyrics, so escape out of it first (this is fixed for 3.5). Also make sure to "set as style" your new size.

Normally MuseScore will increase the space between staves to accommodate for additional verses when you enter them. Make sure you don't have fixed spacers between the staves preventing that.

For the record, MuseScore 2 didn't allow you to change font size in the Inspector, which is why this bug couldn't exist there. You always had to use a separate dialog box, and that necessarily meant you'd leave Edit mode. In MuseScore 3 currently, it's possible to at least try to use the Inspector without leaving Edit mode, but indeed, due to a bug it won't actually work. You need to leave edit mode first, such as by pressing Esc. The bug is fixed in the upcoming 3.5.

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