Modifying a palette element's properties and then storing it as a separate element in the palette

• Apr 16, 2020 - 05:11

This may be possible, but I can't find any documentation.

Problem: The duration of the short caesura defaults to 2 seconds, which is too long for my purposes. I would like a shorter one. I know I can change the duration for one in the inspector (or a selected set of them). but I have a very large project (orchestra, singers, multiple songs) where I would like to create a custom duration caesura and store it on the palette so I don't have to bring up the inspector every time.

Is there a way to do that?

Thanks for any help.


I don't think you can. But you can insert all of them and, at the end, right-click->Select all Similar Elements and set the duration by Inspector

I just tested, it definitely works:

1) add one caesura to your score
2) change its properties
3) Ctrl+Shift+drag it back to the palette

Now you can use that modified caesura any time you like and it gets the modified properties.

Not all properties of all elements are necessarily preserved when you do this, but it works for the pause on a caesura for sure.

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