doesn't run anymore

• Apr 16, 2020 - 09:21

I used Musescore for several years and many Linux upgrades
Suddenly yesterday after some monthes I didn't launch it, I tried to go and it crashed for a segmentation fault

So I downloaded the current version (MuseScore-3.4.2-x86_64.AppImage) and it got problems as well

Executing by shell the output is:

$ ./Downloads/MuseScore-3.4.2-x86_64.AppImage
qrc:/qml/TelemetryPermissionDialog.qml:37: ReferenceError: globalStyle is not defined
qrc:/qml/DialogButton.qml:74: ReferenceError: globalStyle is not defined
qrc:/qml/DialogButton.qml:74: ReferenceError: globalStyle is not defined

/tmp//.mount_MuseScphzKPs/AppRun: riga 26: 5681 Errore di segmentazione "${APPDIR}/bin/mscore-portable" "$@"

Does somebody an help me?
Thank you very much


Suddenly yesterday after some monthes I didn't launch it,

MuseScore doesn't contain timebomb codes; something changed, and if it wasn't MuseScore, then it's got to be something on your system or on a score.

So, what changed?

In reply to by jeetee

Very sorry for I disappeared leaving you without an answer

I didn't change anything but the kernel and I tried to use an old one.
Then I discovered that such problem was already known and discussed here:,147829.msg1261736.html#…

In any case on another pc, with the same system and the same appimage, I discovered that it works regullarly.
So I don't know very well what to say.

Hope every problem can be solved because I think that MuseScore doesn't have competitors in linux world

In reply to by franzo_k

I don't see anything in that thread that resembles the problem reported here, that is just someone confused about the layout improvements in MuseScore 3. Anyhow, the AppImage works just fine on my systems and many others, so we'd really need to understand what unique thing is going on with yours to cause this problem.

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