Automatically chosen octave is out of instrument's range

• May 3, 2020 - 08:59

Currently when writing music for instruments with a set range, sometimes when working at the limits the next note is set out of range of the instrument (and marked red) and has to be moved via Cmd+Arrow.
I think it would benefit the workflow, if in this case musescore automatically defaulted to the octave above or below when it's in range (Maybe only if the note before is in range so that people intentionally working out of the bounds don't get affected).


It's an interesting suggestion, but I'm not totally comfortable with it because normally it's good for the octave to be predictable so I know before entering a note which octave will be chosen and I can immediately adjust the octave. Having to factor in the range suggestions (which are often just that, suggestions, nothing actually inherent in the instrument) would end up causing a lot more surprise, I think. On the other hand, I could imagine a checkbox in the properties dialog where these ranges are set, so that one has the option of enforcing the limits completely, not allowing the note to be entered outside the range at all.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Fair point, but i think enforcing it goes a step too far. It would be an unnecessary hassle to have to uncheck it whenever i wanna put a single note out of range (like a half step below a singers range) and there would be no point in forcing it if musescore itself never automatically broke the bounds. So something like that checkbox but as "Avoid out-of-range notes" which 'forces' the software but not the user would probably be more practical.

In reply to by Arkon74

Right, I overstated the effect of the proposed option - I really meant it wouldn't enter a note there using keyboard shortcuts, but you could still get there by explicitly changing pitch. But really, I would envision people using this only for cases like piano where you literally can't go beyond. Cases like vocal ranges are the ones where I imagine most people would prefer to leave the option off, for the reasons I mentioned (predictability, subjectiveness of the ranges).

I guess I'm not understanding why out of range notes being red is a problem. Especially since they are not red in printed out parts.

In reply to by bobjp

It is not their colour that is the problem, it is that Musescore guesses which octave to enter a note and sometimes guesses a pitch that exceeds the "professional" range. The suggestion is to be able to ask Musescore to not make that guess but to restrict its choices to pitches that are within the "professional" range, or perhaps within a range that is restricted in some other way.

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