Multiple notes, but not multiple voices input?

• May 12, 2020 - 11:48

I am in the process of copying some grand staff sheet music as lead sheets so that I can transpose the music with MuseScore. The sheet music has alternative notes (or rests) in parts of the score. I have tried to block off those areas, so that the extra notes are easier to see. I have been unable to find a way to add these extra notes, using a second voice, without MuseScore expecting (maybe in most cases correctly) that the second voice fills a full measure at a time. How can I add these few sporadic extra notes in the simplest possible way?

It would be also useful to know if MuseScore can transpose chord symbols, or if they are only recognized as text...

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Only using voices. Possibly deleting the excess voice 2 rests.

Yes, MuseScore does transpose chord symbols, if it recognizes them as such. Hint for that is when entered in lower case that they turn into upper case

Hard to tell since the relevant context is blocked off, but my guess is the only reason multiple voices are used in some of these places is for the purpose of the accompaniment, or perhaps to accommodate lyrics for another verse. If you are trying to reduce this to a lead sheet, you should probably be skipping those voice 2 notes.

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