Changing instrument problems

• May 13, 2020 - 01:30

I've been making a theme and variation piece that starts off with a grand stave with grand piano as the instrument. Throughout the piece, I want to change the instruments being played to a piano bass line at the bottom of the grand stave with alto sax at the top of the grand stave. I've used the "Change Instr." system text but that will only let me change the instrument for both of the staves and not a single one. Is there any other way?


Well, a single pianist isn't likely to get up from the piano and suddenly start playing sax and bass simultaneously. So, what you really want isn't to change the instrument for the piano, but to add a new instrument. Use Edit / Instrument to add it, and add the notes you want to it. Then if you wish to not see that staff until it enters, use Format / Style / Hide empty staves.

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