My MIDI Keyboard stop playing sound after rebooting computer, and I don't know what's wrong.

• May 18, 2020 - 07:26


I may face the Strange issue my midi keyboard was working fine until I restarted my computer, the midi keyboard stop playing sound in musescore 3.

I checked the E/S, my novation impulse is detected, but no sound is coming out when i press the keys.

I get the sound from the virtual keyboard, but event after reinstalling the sofware, even after proceeding to a reset factory of my impulse, the problem still remains.

I Don't know if it's due to a new version or Something like this, I need help to fix the midi input connexion to musescore 3.

My midi keyboard still works fine in ableton live 10 and other software...that comes from musescore 3 only...


Did you connect and turn on the keyboard before starting MuseScore? Do you see it listed and selected in Edit / Preferences / I/O? is the MIDI Input icon (on the toolbar) enabled?

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