Voltas and measure properties look OK, but playback off.

• May 19, 2020 - 08:57

I have started using Musescore to create lead sheets with exported mp3 playback as backing tracks. Unfortunately, while the voltas and measure properties appear to be correct, the playback doesn't repeat as written. I need to make sure that the playback is correct before I can export an mp3 backing track, but have no idea what is going on, as everything appears to be fine...


In reply to by kuwitt

I tried deleting the voltas and adding them again, and I still have the same problem. On the repeat, when playback should play the second ending, for some reason the last two measures of the first ending get played before the second ending. Deleting and replacing the voltas doesn't help.

The first volta is not correct. It looks like you added it to only one measure, then simply dragged it to look like it covered the rest. That doesn't work, you need to either add it to the correct measures to begin with (select than all then click the palette icon), or if you've already added one to a single measure and wish to extend it, use Shift+right. See the Handbook for more info.

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