Transpose sheet music from one instrument to another

• Jun 12, 2020 - 23:31

Can musescore transpose from one instrument to another.
I am trying to transpose Horn in f to horn in e flat.
I have used the staff properties menu but there does not seem to be a method for this to happen.


It works. Select a measure--right click ---staff proprieties--change instrument---SELECT ALL INSTRUMENT---choose Horn in Mib--Apply-- it works for the transpose and the key signature

Hi clearly I am a bit slow on the uptake.
When right clicked opens up part properties, under change instrument is that for the old or new part, surely it needs to know what the old part was written for and then select the new instrument.
Under part properties I can change the instrument but the apply icon does not change the score.

In reply to by geoff mansell

The Change Instrument button should definitely work, and you should see the change when you exit the dialog. Unless you are in concert pitch mode, of course.

If you continue to have trouble, please attach the score you are having difficulty with and tell us more precisely what you are trying to do and what you tried.

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