Header Text Size

• Jun 23, 2020 - 16:39

In a score, with parts, I can change the text size and/or font in the score itself using the usual method (Style/Header/Text Style/Font Size), but the parts, which were created before making the change, do not reflect the change. This is probably normal behaviour. However, when I use the same method to make the change directly to the parts, nothing happens - the header text size remains at fixed at what appears to be a default value of 8 pt, or thereabouts, irrespective of what size I input!
I am no expert but for what it's worth, I am using Musescore 3 Version 4.2.9788 and I have just recently upgraded my Windows 10 to version 2004. I don't recall having this problem before, so could this be a 'bug' as a result of the upgrade or can anyone suggest a work-around?


That layout things like font sizes don't affect parts after their creation is indeed by design.

But changes to the individual part (or even all parts, is the corresponding button of the style dialog is used) should work, and does for me (MuseScore 3.4.2, Windows 7)

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