
• Jul 6, 2020 - 09:15

Having a nightmare putting in triplets
So I get the 2 crotchet rests and the minim rest signs. Highlight the first rest, command 3,click on the crotchet sign at top, put in the 3 notes. Thats all good but I'm left with an extra 3 triplets rests making the total beats in bar now 5!!!!
any suggestions?


very, very, easier with a picture, or your file. Read the HandBook for triplets. You must start on a note or a rest which has the lenght you want : if you want a triplet of 3 eight note, with a lenght of 1 time, you must start on a note or a rest of 1 TIME, and click CTRL+3. If you start on a note or a rest of 1/2 time, you get a triplet with a lenght of 1/2 time

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