changing rest length crashes musescore

• Aug 19, 2020 - 06:31

I think I've discovered a somewhat odd bug.
When I select a rest and use the keyboard shortcut '4' to attempt to shorten it to a quarter rest, the instant I hit '4' Musescore crashes. I did some testing and it seems like this only happens when changing rest lengths in the concert bass drum track. Crashes also occur when changing rest lengths with the note length selection in the top left, however if I go into note placing mode and select a rest of a given length it has no trouble placing that. Anyone have any ideas?

For reference I'm using windows 10 x64 version 3.5.0


Not reproducible from scratch. So, possibly the result of a corruption in your score. We would need to see this score to be able to verify what happens and where.

In reply to by cadiz1

So i just reopened musescore and got a file corrupted error from the temporary file musescore uses to save your score when it crashes, so i reopened the original file and now there are no issues. I guess it was just corruption and is now somehow fixed.

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