Two horn staves

• Aug 23, 2020 - 02:04

Trying to build two separate "Horn in F" staves using trumpets in both. The second is defaulting to french horn and won't allow a change. Any suggestions?


French horn is the same as Horn in F. We call it French horn in the US, the base language of MuseScore. Right click the staff, choose staff/part properties and change the long and short names as appropriate.

In reply to by mike320

Thanks but while the staff is correct the playback on the second staff is still french horn. The first staff playback is correctly trumpet. With the mixer open one can change to any instrument sound for playback but my second staff (defaulted to french horn) won't allow ANY other instrument for playback. I like to monitor the score as I write but it just doesn't sound right in french horn when I'm writing for trumpet.

In reply to by metanoiamusic

For the future, when you change instruments you can start typing the name of the instrument in the search box below the list of instruments and all instruments containing those letters will show up. By the time you type "tru" you should see all of the trumpet options and little if anything else.

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