Fingering spacing

• Aug 23, 2020 - 14:43

In version 3.5 line spaces actually exist now where in previous versions you could press return 100 times after a text line and there would be nearly no space between the first and 101 line if those were the only ones with text. This has been fixed and that is mostly good. The problem now is that spacing between lines with no extra returns is too wide, especially in fingerings.

Notice the big difference in spacing between MuseScore (1st) and a published score (2nd)

MS fingerings.PNG PDF fingerings.PNG


As you say, this is mostly good, but it does mean when you rely on quirks of the old behavior, things can look different. The fingering in your example should not have been entered as two lines of text on a single fingering, but as two separate fingerings.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

So you have to apply a fingering, exit fingering input mode then reenter fingering input mode to enter both so they're not so far apart? The old behavior is what I've seen in the piano scores that have fingering like the example I cited. This wasn't a quirk it was a good way to do things. A big problem with text elements was fixed, but it also caused problems for fingering. Emilio seems to have worked on a fix for it at one time, but it doesn't seem he finished it.

In reply to by mike320

Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but I was picturing just entering the top fingering, hitting Space, and then entering the next - no exiting of edit mode involved.

I’d have to see the specific score to understand better, but also, ordinary line spacing with no blank lines shouldn’t have been affected. I have tons of scores with lots of multi line text and there is no difference in spacing at all that I can tell. Could be maybe certain fonts were not handled correctly in the past and now they are?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I guess most of the consecutive fingerings I had been running into were on single notes so space was moving as expected. I don't use this feature often since I rarely do piano or guitar music. I have something new for the catalog of knowledge.

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