Setting default note velocity

• Sep 8, 2020 - 20:16

Where can we set the default (i.e., as deposited) velocity for deposited notes?

Is there any way to change the velocity of a large group of notes (perhaps everything on a track)? If several notes are individually selected (with Ctrl-click), Inspector will allow their velocities to be changed en banc. But if they are selected another way (maybe with a selection marquee), then Inspector is inoperative.




Well, Duh! I found that if I select a lot of notes other than with Ctrl-click, and call Inspector, there is a tab at the bottom, "Notes", that will switch Inspector to its Notes mode and allow me to make changes in the selected notes en banc.

That still leaves me with the question of how can we set the "default" note velocity.


It's not really clear what the context for your question is, but MuseScore, as a music notation program, works by interpreting the dynamic markings on your score, same as a human reading the score would. If there are no dynamic markings, results are unpredictable. In reality, both MuseScore and most humans will probably pick mf as the starting dynamic, but that's not guaranteed.

So anyhow, the most sensible answer I can give to your question is, the default velocity is undefined if you give no dynamic marking, otherwise it is taken from the dynamic marking that applies (eg, the most recently encountered dynamic that applies to that staff).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi, Marc,

An excellent point. I was influenced by experience with other notation programs where, if we chose to have dynamics executed in play with a MIDI CC, the velocity of deposited notes was a settable property!

And if we do not put a dynamic mark at the beginning of the score, MuseScore seemingly (and reasonably) proceeds as if the marking there were mf.



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