Chord played on Chord Symbol

• Sep 9, 2020 - 12:16

I don't want this feature. I don't want the feature to play the chord in piano sound every time I click on a chord to rearrange or edit. I neither wan't the feature that the piano voicing is played when playing the song and I don't want to go through all my sheets and chord symbols to turn the chord playing off.

Please add a global configuration flag to turn this feature off.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yeah. But I'm done. The recent featuritis is annoying. It once was an easy to use nice tool to create sheets, but due to the recent "improvements" like the auto placement of symbols and texts, I had to migrate all my sheets and now the annoying chord playing enforces me again to do so. And other features like albums silently go away. I'm dine. I'll look for other tools, not forcing me to invest hours to find out, how I can turn off annoying new features.

In reply to by msmock

Chord symbols playback has been an often asked for and long awaited feature.
MuseScore 3.5.1 will (hopefully) fix the issue for pre 3.5 score to not playback chord symbols.

The Album feature had not been removed silently, but this has been documented from the start of MuseScore 3, and it will com back in MuseScore 4, as this was a GSoC project this year

In reply to by msmock

If you'd prefer to invest your hours finding and learning new tools and working around their own quirks and limitations, that is of course your right. But if you to decide to continue using the best free notation software ever conceived, and need help learning to use its features, we're also right here providing some of the best free support ever offered :-)

In reply to by msmock

In 3.0.x versions and maybe to some extent 3.1 auto placement could be a problem. If you wanted to fight it, it would fight back and not let you do what you wanted. Since about version 3.2 it has become much easier to override auto placement when you need to. I suggest that rather than fight auto placement you learn to work with it.

There are a few instances where I turn off auto placement myself, but they are by far the exception. Auto placement now does a good job of laying out a score. I have changed the min distances on text and dynamics in my default style so I don't have to adjust every last one of them in the score. This is the only permanent change I've made to my style. If you see a place where the staves are too far apart, you can normally move something, it will get closer to a staff and the staves will move closer together.

One thing that does still cause me a lot of trouble is slurs, but I've been fixing those as long as I've been using MuseScore. The only difference now is that I sometime press = to turn off auto placement of a slur if it doesn't do what I want after 1 or 2 adjustments.

If you really want to go back to micromanaging the spacing between staves you can define the shortcut to turn off automatic placement globally and do the work that version 3.5 does well most of the time.

As Marc said, you have the best free support staff in the business here. We use this program so we've picked up a few tricks that we can pass along, all you have to do is attach the problem score and tell us what doesn't work right. If we can't help then we need to get the program changed - which also happens.

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