Creating triplets from dotted 8th notes

• Sep 12, 2020 - 18:39

Disclaimer: my theory is not as hot as it once was, so I may be trying to do something that doesn't make sense in a score, hence why I'm having difficulty.

I'm using MuseScore to rescore a guitar part with more comfortable tab. It's all going okay, but I always seem to struggle with triplets in the application, it seems to be the most unintuitive element of MuseScore.

Normally I can find an answer on this forum or YouTube, but I've been searching my problem for about 15 minutes and can't find the exact same problem.

Basically, there is a part in the score that has a triplet built upon 3 dotted eighth chords (pictured), and I can't work out how to replicate it in MuseScore. I thought I could just add the 3 chords, highlight them all, and hit cmd+3. However, this is giving me some weird subdivisions that make no sense at all.

Do they even need to be triplets? Am I trying to do something that doesn't make sense? Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

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This is a very strange triplet so it's not surprising it's difficult. Start with a dotted 1/4 rest selected and go to Add->Tuplets->Other. The default will be 3/2, so just click OK and you will get 3 dotted 8th notes.

Note: this rhythm is identical to what you would get if you did not use a triplet at all.

Edit: I'm afraid I didn't make this clear. The triplet with dotted 8th notes is the same rhythm as 3 8th notes, no triplet necessary.

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