Command to turn off automatic placement for an element`?

• Sep 30, 2020 - 22:09

I'm trying to make a baroque oboe fingering tablature plugin, which I have cobbled together by studying other plugins. However, by default, the automatic placement is placing the tablature font "text" at values relative to the note positions, so they are all over the place. I can correct this in the inspector afterwards, by selecting an element, disabling "Automatic placement" check box and using a fixed offsetY of 8sp and it looks fine. The problem is I don't know the name of the property to change in the script to achieve this.

Can anyone help?


I actually made up a little python script to generate a tablature font. And have another script that generates the actual plugin. If you give me a good-looking oboe fingering svg, it won't take me more than 10 minutes to generate a font, and you'll only have to replace some fingerings in the second script's template to have a working plugin.
However, if what you want is learning, then I'll give you the scripts and my plugin and leave you with the answer to your question: the corresponding property is autoplace:…

And her are the other scripts and

Are you adding the text as "fingering"? If so, then indeed, those by definition are note-relative, or at least chord-relative. If you want a fixed position, simply use staff text. Then the position is more fixed by default, you'll only see variation if the default position actually creates a collision.

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