My settings are all screwed up

• Oct 5, 2020 - 02:03

I made a new computer and downloaded musescore on it but all of the settings are totally wrong. Each icon for note values and sharps and so on in the top ribbon are about 2 pixels tall, the preferences page is so long that i cant even reach the apply button on my monitor, what to do

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Capture 321.PNG 104.81 KB


Run MuseScore from the command line with -D xxx command line option. xxx is the DPI for your monitor. When the DPI is correct you will be able to see the preferences. On the Preferences in the General tab, there are options to set the icon size to something reasonable for your system.

In reply to by Maxthemusicnerd

Navigate to the folder for MuseScore and type MuseScore3 -D xxx where xxx is the DPI for you screen. If you have no idea where to start, try 100 then make it larger or smaller depending on the results you get. When you find a new value, add the -D xxx to your shortcut inside of the quotes if your operating system uses it.

There are instructions for using the command line at You will see my instructions are for Windows, so use the operating instructions for your system but -D xxx is the same.

In reply to by mike320

Ok so i think I've almost solved it. when I go to command prompt and type in MuseScore3.exe -D 60, everything works smoothly and looks like the image linked. Which quotes am I adding the command to? I am struggling to find them and the correct position for them, could you provide an example line of code from where it might be?

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Musescore.PNG 127.49 KB

In reply to by mike320

Ok I figured it out (I can hit enter to finalize settings). Although now i have a new problem. This is what my page looks like now. The top ribbon is absolutely massive and the other icons are still a bit too small. They're set to their maximum size but they're still tiny. Same thing with the pallet options but I can edit those. What's the next step?

Attachment Size
New look.PNG 172.85 KB

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