Problem Exporting Full Score as mp3

• Oct 12, 2020 - 02:04

I have a melody line and a grand score that I want to export as mp3. When I export it and play in iTunes, all I get is the vocal line. What am I doing wrong? How can I get both the melody and accompaniment to play?

Attachment Size
The_Lord_is_Great.mscz 24.86 KB


What a strange choice of a sound for a Piano, "Strings Slow expr." And Piano is not expressive, so that doesn't seem to work, not on mp3 export at least.
So either use a non-expressive sound or change the staff/instrument properties to use single note dynamics.

I don't understand though, why on playback it works but in the mp3 export does not. Seems a bug to me, feel free to enter that into the issue tracker

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