Can I make a downwards trill?

• Nov 22, 2020 - 16:43

I'm in this situation:
I want to make the trill on the F go down to the E natural instead of up to the Gb. Is there any way of doing that?

Any help would be much appreciated.


In reply to by SteveBlower

Wow! I totally confused the clefs. I had the line as F (treble) and the space below it as G (bass). I meant, put the trill on an E natural not the G. SInce the trill will go up, there should be no need for a grace note, but Steve's suggestion does work as well.

In reply to by mike320

Modern performance practice is to start a trill on the written (lower) note. A grace note in front of the trill is used to indicate it should start on the upper note. The practice was different in the classical period when trills generally (but not always) started on the upper note and went down to the written note.

In reply to by SteveBlower

Correct, so applying the trill to an E natural would tell the musician to alternate between E and F. Adding the E natural grace note as you suggested would do the same thing.

Edit: Actually you would need an F grace note on my suggestion so it would still start on the F.

In reply to by mike320

The OP says he wants to trill from an F down to an Enat, so the written note, which is always the lower note of the trill, must be an E nat. The F tells the player (and MuseScore) to start on an F. And that is what I wrote: E nat written note (with the trill) preceded by an F grace note. If we the year was 1700 a trill on an E nat would suffice. A player would by custom start on the upper note - an F.

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