Temporary additional staff

• Nov 23, 2020 - 17:35

I have a choral piece in 4 parts.
Just occasionally the soprano line splits into 1st and 2nd. (See example, bar 2)
I have voice 1 and voice 2 on one stave, but placing the individual lyrics is fraught with unpredictability when you try to move the lyrics manually,
Bar 3 is even worse to adjust (so far incomplete)
I've been thinking that, to avoid this problem altogether, I might split the stave (for the relevant bars), giving soprano 1 the upper stave and soprano 2 the lower stave, and placing the lyrics normally.
But I think I tried this once before and when doing it over a short section the overheads of creating a separate section break was too great.
Can you ease my difficulty on either of these points please?

Attachment Size
Wood - Example.mscz 22.04 KB


I've attached two examples where I have added a soprano staff and used Hide empty staves in the Format->Style menu (notice that I also unchecked some other options below it). b shows the entire staff and c shows only measures with notes. In the second one, I right clicked the new staff, chose staff/part properties and checked Cutaway.

Attachment Size
Wood - Example c.mscz 22.77 KB
Wood - Example b.mscz 22.76 KB

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