Dynamics not working on some notes.

• Dec 6, 2020 - 04:00

I am new to using musescore, so please forgive my ignorance about this topic. But I have a problem.

I have a midi file opened with musescore. I tried to edit it without a midi keyboard, so I used my mouse to add new notes. When playing the file I created (mp3), I noticed that some notes are louder than others. So I played with dynamics. I tried to soften the sound of all the notes and played it. But as I suspect, some notes are not affected by the dynamics. and all those notes are the ones I placed using musecore. How can I solve this problem?


It's usually helpful if you attach your score (a *.mscz file) which shows the problem. Trying to diagnose the problem just from a description is really hard!

For scores imported from MIDI, we honor the original velocity info. If you want to override it with dynamics, first reset the notes to default velocity settings, using the reset button next to the velocity settings in the Inspector.

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