Update creditcard

• Dec 6, 2020 - 20:17

Hello, I've got some billing problems.
I've got a new creditcard so the one known by musescore for billing is expired.
I can't get to the billing settings.

Thanks for any help from the Netherlands, Niels


In reply to by nielszeven

I'm afraid it's the long-standing, unfortunate misunderstanding. On this site .org only the MuseScore software is dealt with.
I provided you the links as a simple user and frequenter of these pages who has read many (too many?) posts like this one. You'll have to wait a little bit to get an answer from the commercial site.

In reply to by nielszeven

To be clear: musescore.com and musescore.org are separate sites. musescore.org supports the notation software. musescore.com is where you share scores. musescore.org has no billing - there is no charge for any services here. So if you have a billing question, it can only possibly with musescore.com. Anyone who tells you to come here for billing questions about musescore.com is misinformed. Could be their first day on the job, or it could be your question to them wasn't worked clearly enough for them to understand.

In any case, bottom line: there is nothing that any of the users of the MuseScore notation software who volunteer their time helping people on this site can possibly do about billing questions for some other site we have no connection to.

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