Bug report: staves doubling

• Dec 17, 2020 - 09:30

Hey guys-- I have a problem that is probably a bug report but might just be myself making a stupid mistake somewhere. When I have multiple staves that are linked (like the bass and treble staves of a piano), and I insert notes in one of the two staves, they will be replicated on the other one. Same goes for deleting notes from one staff. I'm not sure why this is happening-- I've attached a photo below. The only way I've been able to fix this issue is by removing the instrument entirely and then re-adding it, which totally messes up a bunch of stuff.

Potentially relevant detail: I can only replicate this effect when I create a new file from a template that already has these staves in it. Adding the instrument in an already existing score doesn't seem to have any problems.

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2020-12-17 at 1.29.33 AM.png 184.7 KB


That's what linked staves are all about, same pitched, different representation (usualls normal staff and tablature).
So not a bug at all.

A piano has 2 staves, but they are not linked, not in the sense of a 'linked staff' at least, they are just connected via their barlines and belong to the same part/instrument.

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