Mobile version of Musescore: Transfer a copy of a .mscz file created on a PC

• Jan 1, 2021 - 17:27

I have many .mscz score files created on a Windows version of MuseScore and would like to load copies of some of those in the Mobile version.
So can I copy any of those files to the Mobile version of MuseScore on Android?
If it is possible then is it a simple and straightforward process and how do I achieve it?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I have no use for the mobile version. So just for the fun of it, I downloaded MuseScore on my tablet. I had to create an account or sign in through one of my other accounts. Then I was confronted with a full screen with three pay options and no obvious way to get past it. I finally saw a close window X in the upper left corner, hidden by OS icons. Closing the pay window indeed let me read scores on the site. If I understand the OP, he wants to be able to add scores directly to the mobile app. I don't think this is possible because it is tied to the .com site.

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