Overlapping text in default title frame

• Jan 4, 2021 - 00:01

In the default title frame that Musescore creates for new documents, the subtitle line overlaps with the lyricist/composer line. See the attached picture for an example where the word "overlapping" overlaps with the composer. This happens with both 3.5.2 and 3.6 RC.



Click the frame anywhere but on the bottom. A grab box will appear at the bottom. You can drag this and the composer and lyricist stays with the bottom dotted line.

In reply to by onebitboy

The autosize property allows frames to expand to accommodate multi-line text - like if you entered a subtitle of several lines. But it doesn't move elements around within the text.

Most subtitles wouldn't be so wide as to interfere with the composer - and of course, many if not most pieces have no subtitle at all. So to me the default positioning makes sense as it avoid taking too much space unnecessarily in the ordinary cases. But there is probably no getting around the need to shuffle things around manually in some cases.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

A better solution would be to have two different default sizes depending on whether a subtitle is present. Right now, there's wasted space when you don't have a subtitle and not enough space when you do have one.

By the way, the auto-size property seems to be broken in 3.6 RC. It does increase the frame size when you enter multi-line text, however the frame is still much too small afterwards.


In reply to by onebitboy

Yes, someday a sufficiently clever AI system could be developed to choose optimal font sizes for all sorts of different combinations, but as it is, again, we choose defaults that work well for the majority of cases, for the rest you can adjust manually.

Regarding the autosize, it appears to not be correctly taking the initial offset of the text into account. If you reset the position of the subtitle to Y offset 0, it seems correct. Could you submit this as a bug report to the issue teacker (see Support menu above, or Help / Report a Bug, from within MuseScore)?

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