Webinar Recording

• Jan 11, 2021 - 03:00

Hello all!

Thank you to everyone that came to the webinar this Saturday! I have posted the recording of it to YouTube, and the description contains timestamps for every topic that I covered.

You can find it here: https://youtu.be/-pf1B7P4IBw

As a follow-up, would people be interested in continuing this series of webinars? I was thinking that people could present what they are working on in MuseScore, running tutorials on topics they are knowledgeable about, etc.



In that initial score, the tempo text, it is "Liemlich...", but rather should be "Ziemlich...". The former is not a (German) word, the latter is "Quite..."
I guess you transcribed from an old printed sheet in Fraktura, where L and Z look rather similar?

In that webinar you're creating a pickup measure, and in a rather complicated and convoluted way.

  1. you don't need to select these rests in all staced to Ctrl#Del them, one is enough
  2. Easier is to just right-click the measure and change its actual duration
  3. At that time also tick 'exclude from measure count', rather then substracing a number from the next measure via that dialog
  4. Use a 'real' template (you mention the possibility) and create the pickup measure in the wizzard directly on score creation. That also takes care of those barline issue you had when inserting measure

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

  1. Ok, I didn't realize that you didn't have to delete all of them. Yeah, creating a template and then putting in the template folder is definitely the better way because of the new score wizard. I'll include this correction to the description.
  2. That makes much more sense.
  3. Again, that makes sense.
  4. Regarding the barlines, is it intentional that dragging and "span to next staff" have different actions? Should add as a suggestion in the issue tracker?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

If you select all similar and then tick/untick the inspector option I believe this overwrites each barline separately. As a new score created from the template has new generated barlines, they don't inherit that setting.

Dragging the barline to extend rather seems to work as a style settings, which is preserved when creating new scores from the template and/or appending measures.

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