
• Feb 3, 2021 - 12:00

I have a piece of music for Tuba Bass clef and want to transpose it into Bb Bass Treble clef is there a way without re wring the part out. I can't seem to find a clef change in the transpose dropdown box.
Any help please?


Indee,d changing instrument is the easiest way, then all details are handled for you.

But for the record, changing clef is not transposing, it's just changing clef - you do that with the Clefs palette. The transpose dialog is changing the actual sounding pitch, and that's not what you want here presumably, so that is not going to help. Instead. if the simple instrument for some reason were not an option, you'd change the clef form the palette then specify the instrument transposition (how much lower than written it sounds) in staff/part properties. But again, this is what the change instrument does for you.

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