Transferring files

• Feb 4, 2021 - 02:13

Hello to the good people at Musescore!
I have a question that has been irritating me for some time now.
I have Musescore on Linux (chrome book) and I previously had Musescore on a Windows system, I had all my scores saved onto a thumb drive and I’m trying to open them on Linux Musescore but they are not detecting it.
How can I transfer open the files to open them in musescore? In the video provided, it shows the Musescore file and it is labeled as a MSCZ file, but it won’t open in Musescore.
Any advice?


The Linux system on Chromebooks has only limited support for USB devices, and I'm guessing your drive simply isn't supported yet. So, the solution would be to copy the files from the thumb drive to your "Linux files" folder from within ChromeOS, not trying to access them directly from MuseScore. Once you've copied them to Linux files (presumably in the Documents/MuseScore3/Scores folder), then you should be able to open them normally from within MuseScore.

But, why not use ChromeOS to full advantage? One of the great things about it is how well it integrates with Google Drive to present the same file system view on any machine. So, make Documents/MuseScore3 in your Linux files by a symbolic link to MyDrive/MuseScore3 within Google Drive. Now you'll be reading and writing to Google Drive directly, and you'll be able to use the same setup on any other Chromebook as well and it will see you same files.

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