Fingering and bridge notation above and below staff

• Mar 4, 2021 - 21:58

I'm arranging music for hammered dulcimer. On the three bridges of strings there are many notes that are duplicated - the same tone and pitch found on another bridge. To designate which bridge on which to play a note, I need to print in italics: B (Base), rt (right treble) or lt (left treble) under the note. In addition, to show which hand plays the note, a R (right) or L (left) is printed above the note.
Is there a way to add these to the Articulation & Ornaments Palette and use drag and drop?
Thanks in advance.


You can use drag&drop if you have the time, but the fastest way is just to use the shortcut Ctrl+E to enter expression text (italics below staff), then type. For text above, Ctrl+T will create staff text, which is normally plain font but you can set it italics in the Inspector if you wish. Next fastest would be to then Ctrl+Shift+drag one such element back to the palette for easy use, but don't apply it by drag&drop - a simple click does the job (after first selecting the note or notes you want to apply it to.

If the text is meant to appear small and on the staff, close to the note - like fingerings - then instead best to use the Fingering palette, or Add / Text / Fingerings and type. You can customize the fingering palette the same way.

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