Cannot tie to a staccato note without changing the playback length.

• Mar 12, 2021 - 02:11

Screenshot from 2021-03-12 03-14-04.png

Musescore 3.6-portable on Pop_OS 20.04

I am notating this dance using staccato crotchets.
In bar 7 beat two there is a CE staccato crotchet where the C is held from the triplet of beat one.
The appearance is fine but playback does not behave as expected.
Looking on the piano roll:
The playback would work normally if the Cs weren't tied together, but when you tie them the staccato is overruled.
If you put the staccato on the tied C it reduces the playback length of the note by 1/4 beat, not by 2/3 of a beat as expected.
If you select the C crotchet of the tie and add/remove the staccato it actually adds/removes it from the E.

To modify bar 7 to play as I wished I needed to reduce the length of the C to 180/1000 and soften the staccatos from 500 to 600. Bars 8 & 9 are not tweaked.

This seems buggy and a bit strange.



It's an unusual case, so not surprising to me it doesn't do what you might happen to expect. Staccato is applied to the full chord, not individual notes, and probably this case - with a partial tie (itself rate) into a staccato chord (also itself rare) was simply never considered or encountered. But yeah, I could imagine a few ways to fake the playback effect.

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