Mensurestrich - or other ways to format Medieval music

• Mar 15, 2021 - 10:24

I'm trying to get lines between staves, but not necessarily on them - as in the Mensurestrich technique mentioned in the handbook. Is this working in version 3.6.2? I'm not sure.

Help in this area would be appreciated.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

It almost works in this way. There is only one (bug?) since MuseScore 3.x, that it also takes effect on the system barlines (and on each new page in a score) - it didn't with MuseScore 2.3.2.
IIRC the easiest workaround is to switch to the continuous mode, changing the bar lines as explained, selecting the system bar line and adjusting back the "span from" setting in the inspector (in page view you've to repeat it on each page, in continuous view I believe only once for the first system barline at the beginning of the score). .

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Steps to reproduce:

  • right click on the bass clef staff->instrument properties...->deselect "show barlines"
  • right click on a barline ->select->all similar elements
  • adjust "span from" inside the inspector to "8" ("span to next staff" is ticked)

In result it takes also effect of the system barlines (at the begin and the end of a system). Do I miss something?:

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Indeed, this works much better. That's means, we've to rewrite the handbook section for Mensurstrich: (at time it's the explanation how it works with MuseScore 2). Maybe someone other is faster than me with better language skills for it ;-).
One more question: How do solve the issue for the last barline of a system. No matter if I'm deselect "show barlines" in instrument properties or change the span for a barline of the lower staff in the inspector and select it as style, it looks like this:

@Pentatonus: If you mean the dots of a repeat barline, I'm not sure, if it's a common case in medieval music and how it should be handled, but however it's reported here: #268615: Dots on repeats do not line up with barlines when using Mensurstrich.

In reply to by kuwitt

I have updated it, thanks for the heads up!

As for the last barline - are you saying you don't want it to be the same as the rest? The picture you show is not what I get, not when using a default score anyhow. If you've previously customized that barline's properties you might indeed get something different.

If you want it to span completely, I guess you'd need to work harder to force it to display on that last staff. For example, by adding a staff type change and setting the barline display back on.

Works fine for me, I do this quite regularly, including just a couple of days ago. if you continue to struggle, please tell us which specific aspect of it you are having trouble with.

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