Does MuseScore save all Mixer settings when uploading to web?

• Mar 15, 2021 - 23:19

Hi. I have finished my Hans Zimmer Opus so to speak, and want to upload the .mscz file to the MuseScore website to share. I noticed, however, than when I save it and then reload it into MuseScore, the instruments selected in the Mixer (all MuseScore default) are saved and present, but the volume and pan values are not. They appear to be the same as the last score I used. In this score, volume balance among 9 instruments is crucial to its overall sound. Since they are important to the best enjoyment of the score, do I have to specify in the write-up or on the sheet music what volumes a user should set in the mixer for all 9 instruments, or is there another way to do it?


The mixer settings should be uploaded, but that only applies if you are using the default soundfont. If you intend to use any non-default soundfonts, you need to check the "upload score audio" button. In that case mixer settings aren't uploaded, exactly - instead the actual audio is, so what you hear online should be exactly what you hear on your computer.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc: Thanks for the reply. I am aware that if I write a score using non-default soundfonts and wish to upload it to MuseScore, I cannot expect anyone to play it unless they download and install the same soundfonts, and that the Mixer settings in the upload will be screwed up.

I uploaded the score and sure enough, all the mixer settings including the instrument volumes were retained, since I did use the default soundfont only. Thanks again. Check out the score here. It turned out very good.

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