MuseScore with JACK and midi keyboard on Ubuntu Studio 20.04

• Mar 25, 2021 - 00:05

I'm trying to use my midi keyboard to input notes on musescore 3.6.2. I can see midi events with aseqdump and if I start JACK, I can connect the keyboard to a plugin in Carla and get notes out. But if I select JACK in the I/O tab in MuseScore's Preferences, the midi button and all of the playback buttons go grey, and playing keys in note input mode still doesn't do anything. I feel like I'm 90% of the way there, but I'm very new to all of this (except Linux) and a little lost.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The version I'm using is this:

OS: Ubuntu Core 18, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 3.6.2, revision: 3224f34

Which I believe is from the snap store? It's been several months since I installed it, so I'm not sure.

I tried running it from the command line like:

musescore.mscore -a jack

(which if I understand is the workaround for the issue you mention) and don't notice any difference, nor do I see any messages on stdout/stderr related to JACK or audio.

In reply to by neptr

Snap builds are created by a third party and we have no particular reason to expect them to work (as often as not, these third party builds don't work). The AppImage you get from this site is the only one we build and support ourselves. So try that and let us know if you still have issues.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have a feeling the reason I used the snap was because I was able to get 3.6.2 before it was available as an appimage (if that's just nonsense, please disregard, my memory is suspect).

In any case, I got the appimage and started it with -a jack. I still had to manually change the I/O to jack (it came up as being in pulseaudio), but once I did, an mscore midi source and sink appeared in carla, and once I connected my keyboard source to the mscore sink, everything just worked--I was able to enter notes from the keyboard.

Thanks for steering me in the right direction!

In reply to by neptr

That got to nonsense, the AppImage is available that the very time a version gets released (even earlier, as the release announcement is made only after the binaries for Windows (32bit, 63bit, PortableApp), macOS and Linux (AppImage) have been build), snap and other distributions (which do not come from musescore develompent directly) would always be later.

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