Problems with Sharps and Flats in Roman Numeral Analysis/Campania

• Apr 3, 2021 - 18:02


I've started using the Roman Numeral Analysis/Campania font, and I've had 2 problems that I'll list below. I think they may be related, so I'm putting them both on the same topic.

Note about changed settings: To show chord analysis above a staff, then show alternate chords for the same progression below the staff, I've changed the style settings in 3 areas:

1) Format >>> Style >>> Text Styles >>> Chord Symbol
2) >>> Lyrics Odd Lines
3) >>> Lyrics Even Lines

My changed settings are:
Font: Campania
Size: 12.00pt
Align: [center]
Offset: Y: 4.00sp

It has produced some great results, except in 2 cases so far, both having to do with sharps and flats

Issue 1) sharps: whenever I put a # in front of chord analysis that is in the "lyrics" space below the staff, the whole symbol shifts to the left. The situation that I noticed it on was with a #iº chord. I tried it without the º symbol, with other letters following the #, and with b, and the # seems the be the only thing that has a problem.


Issue 2) flats: whenever I put a b in front of chord analysis in the standard chord space ABOVE the staff, it appears as a B. When I edit the chord symbol and it is highlighted, it shows the correct b symbol from Campania, but changes back to B when it is deselected.

I know that the way that I'm using these is atypical, so it won't necessarily fit in neatly with the rules coded in for general standard notation, but being able to display chord changes/analysis like this, with my settings and using the Lyrics spaces to place them, would be a very helpful, so it would be great if there's a work around.

Thanks for any suggestions! I'm a new convert from being a 20+ year Sibelius user, and I'm really liking the software a lot!

Attachment Size
MS # issue 1 1.png 45.94 KB
MS # issue 1 2.png 44.09 KB
MS # issue 1 3.png 44.37 KB
MS # issue 1 4.png 45.43 KB
MS b issue 2 1.png 30.74 KB
MS b issue 2 2.png 26.15 KB


If you want RNA above staff, just change it from below to above, either via the shortcut X or via Inspector
Just using Lyrics with the Campania font, won't result in the spefial processing and interpretation of RNA, as far as I can tell.
And Chord symbols to interprete the input too, but different, a leading B always means the corresponding notename, not the accidental

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks for the quick reply!

For the "flat" issue, flipping from below to above will definitely be an easier answer for the first part. The x shortcut seems to work on as many as I select, so that will be very efficient.

For the "sharp" issue in the lyric spaces, for my purposes of things like i7, #io, ii7, etc., it seems to be working great, but I can imagine that for a lot purposes not having the special processing would make the lyric spaces not useful.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Lyrics use special alignment rules - sometimes centered, sometimes left-aligned, and leading punctuation is ignored. Definitely not a good idea to use lyrics for things that aren't. Similarly, misusing chord symbols for RNA won't work, a leading B will be seen as the chord root. If it's meant to be RNA, best to actually use the RNA feature. If you want them to display above the staff, just flip one manually with "X" then press the "Set as style" button ("S" icon).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Solid advice. For my current limited purposes I won’t need all of the functions or special formatting required for a full harmonic analysis, so it’s working well for shorthand notes. In the future, whenever a full analysis is required, I’ll absolutely use it as it has been programmed to be used.

The feedback that people have offered gave me a better idea of what’s going on with the underlying formatting, so I appreciate all of it. I’m pleased enough with both the software and the community aspect of MuseScore that I can’t help but want to learn more to be able to offer more in the future. Thank you!

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