Bad image error in 3.6

• Apr 5, 2021 - 17:32

When I start 3.6 I get a series of "Bad Image" alerts. Once I get through them, the program works, but I get about 15 of them, which is annoying.

I've tried a number of things, including uninstalling Windows updates, uninstalling and reinstalling Musescore, and running scannow in the command window. Everything points to Musescore as the culprit, but those at Musescore deny it's their software. What can I do to fix it?

Attachment Size
Musescore bad image.jpg 16.12 KB


That file appears to be part of the Windows - perhaps part of the printing system, perhaps something used by the device driver for your printer? Even if MuseScore doesn't use it directly, probably it gets loaded when MuseScore tries to initialize your default printer on startup, which it does to check the default paper size. It's conceivably changing to a different default printer would make that go away. It's also quite likely you'll find printing has issues from other programs too. Assuming I'm right about it being part of the printing system, I'm really just guess that because of the word "spool" in the path.

Anyhow, it is indeed not a file that is part of MuseScore - it's part of Windows itself, and has been since Vista. It appears the file has somehow gone bad on your system - perhaps the result of a bad Windows update, or perhaps a bad sector on your hard drive. Or you somehow ended up getting a 64-bit device driver installed on a 32-bit system or vice versa.

Doing web searches for that pathname should prove somewhere enlightening. I see any number of sites where you can download good versions of that file from. If the problem is the result of a bad sector, or somehow getting the wrong architecture version of that file (32 vs 64 bit), downloading a new copy should fix it. but I'm not sufficiently expert on Windows system administration to say for sure.

Thanks, everyone, for the input. My printer was unplugged. When I plugged it in, everything worked. Never would have thought of it. (My printer is shot now, for some reason, but that's a different saga).

In reply to by Michael E. Henderson

Wow, crazy! FWIW, having a network printer that is unreachable is known to cause delays in startup, because we do try to check it to determine the best default page size for new scores. But normally we give up after I think 20 or 30 seconds, and all proceeds normally. I guess in your case, having the normal default printer unplugged caused Windows to try to find a backup printer to use instead, and the DLL for that backup printer was bad. Something like that, anyhow. Anyhow, glad it's working now! My guess is, if the printer isn't working, you could solve this more permanently by choosing a different (virtual) printer to be your default, like the Microsoft "XPS" or some sort of PDF print facility.

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