No time signature

• Apr 5, 2021 - 18:52

Good morning, everybody!

Just arrived at MuseScore...
When trying to begin with my first project, I was offered a choice of time signatures, but I need to do without. I looked around but didn't find the how. How do I engrave (contemporary) music without time, measures, bar lines...?

Thanks for your help,



Internally, MuseScore needs to organize music in terms of measures, but you can suppress the display of time signature and barlines in Staff/Part Properties, and you can use commands like the split and join in Tools / Measure to create measures of whatever length you want, so you have one "measure:" per system.

In reply to by ManuelMyV

Tools / Measure is where the split and join command are, and Staff/Part Properties (right-click the staff itself) is where the option to hide time signatures and barlines are. Time Signature Properties doens't enter into it. Actually, though, in some cases at least I find better results marking the initial time signature invisible than suppressing it entirely.

In reply to by ManuelMyV

1. Right-click on an empty bit of your staff (i.e. do not click on a note)
2. Choose Staff/Part Properties (Stave/Part Properties in British English)
3. Disable (uncheck) any properties you want to hide

Staff-Part Properties.png

And to join measures (bars): select the measures, then menu option:
Tools > Measure > Join Selected Measures

In reply to by DanielR

I should mention I do this enough that I've assigned shortcuts to the split and join commands, via Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts. My general working method is start with 4/4 or whatever as my base time signature (4/2 when doing Renaissance music!) then guesstimate how many measures I might want to combine, but deliberately overshoot it. Then I do the join operation and start entering notes. Once I reach about the point where I think I want my system to end, I do the split, then hit Enter. With shortcuts, this is all very simple, takes only a couple seconds per system and almost no thinking.

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