Play again from the last selection point, not resume from where play ended?

• Apr 21, 2021 - 23:38

Let's say that I have notes like N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8. If I click N3, and press the space bar, MuseScore starts playing notes from N3. when it plays N6, if I press the space bar again, it stops playing. Then, if I press the space bar again, it starts playing notes from N7. In this case, is there anyway to make it play from N3 again?

I mean with a single shortcut or modifying the play behaviour, not by clicking N3 again and then pressing the space bar.


No such ability currently, not exactly, but there have been a couple of requests, so maybe someday. Meanwhile, if you enable loop playback. playback will always start at the loop start point, which defaults to the selection if you have one, so that's a method to more or less get that result.

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