Repeat measure multiple times

• Apr 28, 2021 - 23:44

Hi there,

I've been searching for a way to repeat a bar/measure multiple times. This might seem like a question that's already answered multiple times, but I think some settings have changed because all the answers point to a solution that doesn't work anymore (in my case at least).…
This link (2nd point) says I have to change the play count in measure properties:
Problem is, I don't have a measure properties, only a bar properties. When I click this, I have the exact same options as in the last link, except that I'm missing the play count options which is the one that I need:

My question is: Am I missing something? Or is the option moved to another location? If so, where can I change it now?

Thanks in advance for any answers,


Bar = British equivalent of what we in the US call a measure. So, that's the same dialog, just a different name since you apparently are using the UK "translation".

But, the play count only applies to measures that actually have a repeat sign after them. This feature isn't meant to specific some arbitrary measures plays multiple tiomes' music notation doenms't have a notion of that. If you have a single measure you want to repeat 5 times, you either put repeats signs around it and set the play count that way, or you have five measures and put the measure repeat symbol (in each measure after the first. That's much more appropriate in most cases, but without seeing your score, it's hard to know for sure what to advise.

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