can't input with keyboard

• May 22, 2021 - 09:15

Quite often I open musescore and can't input notes. The N button doesn't work and neither do the individual note buttons: A,B,C,D, etc. Sometimes the N button doesn't work but I can click the input function with the mouse, sometimes not at all. I have tried reverting to factory settings, updating to the latest version but the error keeps recurring. I am using a mac if its relevant.


Can you post the specific score you are having trouble with? Could be something specific going on with that. Also give the precise series of steps you are following - exactly what you are clicking/pressing in what order. Or maybe you have some sort of keyboard macro function on your computer that is "stealing" keystrokes.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

It's not any specific score. It occurs occasionally (not always) when I launch the program. It can happen on the blank intro score as well. It never happens suddenly. I just quit the program and restart a few times and eventually it sorts itself out.
I open the program launch a score and sometimes the "N" doesn't react/ Neither do any of the note keys: A,B,C,etc. After a few quits and launches, sometimes a reverting to factory settings everything works again. Not particular to any score

In reply to by Gideon Brettler

Hmm. Well, since the problem since unique to your system, anything you can do to try to detect a pattern to when it happens would be helpful, and let u know if you ever figure out how to reproduce it!

At this point, though, I'm guessing it really is an interaction with some other program on your system stealing keystrokes.

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