GSOC 2021: Chord Symbol Style Editor

Posted 3 years ago

Hi everyone. I am Ashwath. I am currently pursuing my undergraduate degree in Computer Science Engineering. For Google Summer of Code 2021, I have been selected to work with MuseScore on the project - "Chord Symbol Style Editor" mentored by Marc Sabatella.

Project Description:

MuseScore v3.6 had major improvements in the quality of engraving. This project aims to improve the appearance and customizability of one of the components in the sheet music - Chord Symbols. MuseScore currently supports user customization of chord symbols through XML files. But, this is not very accessible to the average user.
The Chord Symbol Style Editor is intended to make the job much easier. It will provide a UI where the properties of chord symbols can be modified and the changes reflected instantly in the preview. This enables the user to see precisely how the chord symbol will look in the score and in printed sheet music.

Project Details:

Each chord symbol has four components - root, quality, modifier and extension. The editor allows modification of the font, size and position of each component independently. The editor will continue to support XML files. The plan currently is to continue using XML files in the backend for saving the styles. This way the custom styles can be shared easily.


This is a mock UI. The design will be replaced by a more intuitive and stylish one. This is just to give an idea of what to expect. There will be options to switch between the different notation systems (e.g. Standard, German, Solfeggio, French) too.

Music has been an important part of my life. I am really lucky to have gotten the opportunity to give back to the music community. I am excited to work with the MuseScore community :)

To know more as the project goes on, you can visit:

  1. My fork of the GitHub repository -
  2. My blog on MuseScore -

Please comment if you have any more ideas that might fit into the project. If any idea is apt in the current setting, I will try my best to include it. Thank you for reading the blog. Hope you have a good day!